Progress Report - June 3rd

Hello pilots! Here's a quick report on what's being worked on these past few days:

  1. Construction of the new game mode, Rebel Ops, is officially underway.
    1. Basic game systems are slowly being adjusted to accomodate the game mode.
    2. An in-depth review of the game might be necessary to avoid any unforseen errors caused by these changes.
      1. For example, accidentally gaining control of the Aerostrike while closing the inventory screen. That would be weird.
    3. So far there are 3 fully functional ships ready for action, with several more left to set up.
  2. Changes are being made to game balance based off feedback and suggestions.
    1. These changes are mostly focused on improving the experience on Trial Run and Standard Test.
      1. Stress Test is mostly unaffected, and Trial by Fire is entirely unaffected so far.
    2. Among the changes we have partial shield regeneration and increased weapon heat capacity.
    3. Minor modifications for bossfights that scale with difficulty.
    4. If anyone has any feedback or suggestions, now would be a great time to share them via a comment or the support email address.
  3. Improvements to some minor systems as they are being tweaked.
    1. The destruction debris system has been improved to work on gameplay objects.
    2. Should make breaking open door blockers and cracked walls a little more visually appealing.

A new small patch should hopefully be ready sometime next week to introduce these changes. Currently aiming for a Tuesday or Wednesday release.

That's it for now. Stay safe, pilots!

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